Saturday, February 4, 2023

Counting Love

What do you do with so much love? He asked

I smiled and counted on my ten fingers

The first one is for my parents
They raised me to be a hell.of a daughter
And i wouldnt leave them, stranding ever

The second one is for my grandparents
Without whom nothing really made sense
When mom.scolded or i felt scared
I would walk to them
Their shadow was enough
To drive away the ghosts

The third one for my siblings
They are my rock
Althought, i am hit by the same.rock
And sometimes i want to throw one on them
Nevertheless, its endless love

The fourth for my extended family
My cousins, brothers in law
Who make my life a little better

The fifth one is for my friend
The one who.polished me
Nice and shiny
The one who peeled layers of insecurities and vulnerabilities
Chipping my dead self
Allowing me to glow from inside

The sixth one is for my husband
He technically made my life better
Of course, he isnt what i imagined him to be
But may be im not what he imagined me to be
So I leave it there,  accepting it is what it is

The seventh one is for my in-laws
Even toxicity needs love
My father in law - a gem of a person
Sometimes I wonder did we fail to understand him
My mother in law - a struggler
But i would also take.the liberty to say
A trauma survivor
And then the stories never end
My extended family
Who is a like a family
Nothing much to talk about

The eighth one
For my daughter
She never fails to.impress me
With all that she is vocal about
She believes in
Her thoughts,  her perception

The ninth for my son
The artist, the explorer
The inquisitive bundle of joy

The tenth for people
I meet in life
Giving them.smiles
Along the journey of life

He smiled and asked me
Where's love for yourself?
And i closed my fingers
To make it  a fist